Improving the Access to Psych Care Options

-Art by Isabel le Roux


A psychiatric-mental health NP (PMHNP) is a nurse practitioner’s certification that specializes in mental health and promotes advanced psychiatric care and management. I personally created PMHealth NP hub to advocate for accessible mental health care and provide free resources. Content is intended for clinicians, professional students/facilities specializing in psych, and others providing psych care or similar interests, please read the disclaimer or find standard resources.

Sept/Oct. 2024: Yayyy! My baby is back up and running. I was going to put a post up and was shocked to see the site deleted. Thank goodness my urges and determination outweighs the rest of my craziness and was able to get it back.. Speaking of crazy, I’m currently doing my private practice and working at another one, mentoring, trying to start another business, and THIS website. So forgive me the absence and not being able to respond to emails, but the good news is that I’m back with a vengeance and I have MUCH to say about everything so if something happens to the website… I’ll just start another one llol.. I have major posts/update plans for October. Thank you for your patience! Hopefully, everyone is doing well…I’ve been great despite our mental health care system getting worse, which is why I won’t stop babbling or writing… not to mention how the access to care IS disappearing or being ignored. Continue to make sure you’re taking care of yourselves as well! I brace people for how times will get worse and to stay grounded/focused… Eventually, the website will discuss more lifestyle issues such as the dreaded taxes and finances… and not just healthcare. Alright, be back soon! 🍂🍂Happy Fall🍂🍂  

March 2024: I’m still in the universe. I know it’s been a roller coaster for everyone and WOW with everything that’s going on! In addition to starting my practice, I’m already ready to retire lol I’m still building a caseload, slowly but surely because being selective with everything is important… I do plan on doing a post about the whole process while having some form of inner peace. In the meantime, I’m trying to get through taxes lol… I also wanted to focus part of the website on lifestyle topics, especially with finances and I’m hoping to start content/updates again by the summer/fall when things level out a little more! Like I don’t need or want any more curve balls okay take care of yourselves as well :)) 

November-December: I’m just going to say it in advance Happy New Year! As I mentioned in my recent post I’ll be using my free time/holidays to basically work but super excited to be starting my own practice. I honestly prefer to write all day because it calms me down.. so in addition to working on my practice, I’m also doing a few other personal projects. I try to tell people to do something outside of work to keep your sanity and avoid the news. Wars, violence, or anything major can be horrific and triggering. People are personally affected on both sides, but again try to remain neutral. I have Jewish, Palestinian, and Athiest patients and they all have just about said something offensive and I just redirect them back to why they are in the office… like I’m not going to go down this rabbit hole lol and that’s with anything especially as we get closer to elections and in general, stay focus on patient care and not these battles that are truly not in our hands. When people ask me what I watch, I just say the weather channel or something basic. I have too much on my plate to watch shows, movies, YouTube, etc. but will continue to post monthly if I get the chance. When the company asked me why now, I said something like I didn’t want to start anything in a pandemic, but now since it’s randomly been declared over even though many people are still getting it, I figured things are back to normal to start something… but in reality, nothing of the pandemic was normal or made sense and I can rant about it but I don’t want to end up missing. I’m just glad this year is almost over. Thank you for stopping by :))

October: I miss you more! And I’m back with a vengeance that I basically went on a writing blitz to get my thoughts out and needed to shut the website done for a minute, thus I’ve created new sections (mainly about women, men, and therapy instead of making multiple posts…). As long as I work, I must write lol so I don’t plan on stopping anytime soon. I still have to spend some time returning emails (hopefully by the next few weeks), updating/cleaning certain pages, and still learning how to do a contact page so please continue to use email ([email protected]), and excited to go back to doing monthly posts!

I know it’s a lot to cover and so much is going on, but try not to get overwhelmed in the process of healthcare, world events, education, crime, entertainment… continue to center yourself on what’s important for you and your needs. Many people have simply lost the plot, chasing anything and everything… I don’t deal with or entertain every story -the purpose of the website is still to focus on the core of mental health treatment and improving access, not the latest trends. Nevertheless, I do want to cover more current events, because things do change but unfortunately, things are getting just messier. I don’t only brace my patients for rough times, but also my peers, students, etc.

Almost on every level healthcare, there is some agenda, everyone is looking at the bottom number or the profits and it can definitely be discouraging… but like I tell myself and others, continue to have your values and stay grounded.. My only expectation for people is to breathe and be functional. I don’t expect anything in return but to hope for less pain and suffering, disappointments and heartaches..etc. and thankfully, I’m still happier than ever despite everything… so I’m saying all this to say keep soldering on, and continue to learn and grow… Thanks again for your patience!

June/The Whole Summer: Welcome to the middle of the month, which seems to be my pattern but the 1st of the month is usually BRUTAL for me between people getting their checks and the full moons so it’s just life. Anywho, I need to take a summer hiatus to focus on improving the website, updating/editing my rough posts, and working on other projects. I have no plans to shut the website down like prior but just mentioned this for those who email that I won’t be as active for the next couple of months (but will still try to put posts up)… I want the upgrade to also include a formal way for providers/students to reach out and yes this will be a learning curve for me. I still can’t figure out how to make a simple contact page so my brain might just fizzle out along the way. Therefore, I hope all of you out there use this summer to find ways to relax, have fun, do some wellness, wipe the dust off the treadmill, and enjoy yourselves as well. Don’t lose the plot with all the crazy things going on in the world and stay focused on this little hidden thing called stability.

April-May: Happy warm weather! and my sinuses are trying to destroy me but all is well. I’m not having much free time, which I’m sure everyone can relate to but will still try to put multiple posts up… I haven’t been paying much attention to anything on the news, but all I can say is stay positive out there. It’s easy to get overwhelmed and I try to explain to people, to only respond if it’s life/death and use the additional time to take care of yourself… I can’t emphasize self-care enough and decompressing from all the roughness of everyday life so be easy on yourselves and take BREAKS.

Marching: greetings everyone and hope you’re safe out there! I’m doing well and with life, like my dad will always say it’s a job to MAINTAIN. I was able to squeeze in one post about not treating a 1 y/o but that just sums up all the crazy things going on in psych. Abnormal is the new normal and I’m working almost every day, but it’s that dire. God-willing, I plan on putting up multiple posts mainly about psych practices and more odd cases, including SJS because of course that had to happen to me. In the meantime, thanks for the kind words, giving me website suggestions, and someone asked permission to use content/downloads -per website aka myself, it’s free to use unless I was able to cite it… Many websites are bloated, generic, crashing, behind firewalls, ads galore, and I just don’t care, I’ll try to keep this website user-friendly, free, and simple to once again improve access to care and awareness! See you next month.

Happy New Year/February: Let me explain myself, I had plans to work on the website and all these super goals but from November, throughout ALL the holidays, and till recently, I was basically coughing up lungs. I feel great now so hope everyone else had a happy holiday. Almost everyone I was around was sick and I just had to join the fun.. anyway, I plan on responding to emails, and again adding multiple posts, etc. Stay warm and healthy out there! Update: I just added a new area on the website about major medications and treatments hitting the market so I wasn’t completely unproductive, let me know if there’s anything I miss ok bye :))  

October/November: I know, shame on me! I’m still alive so that’s the good news. My personal and professional life is more settled, thank you everyone for being patient. I’m ready to get back to the website and writing until my fingers fall off, which is how I deal with stress. 10/10/2022 was World Mental Health Day and most people including myself basically forgot or didn’t even think about the significance but it shows one main thing, you can’t put everything in one box. If mental health applies to everything, then it will be forgettable, hence, I’m still specializing in particular areas especially male and female mental health. It also applies to other circumstances such as medical conditions, kids, substance abuse, etc. that can dictate treatment outside the norm.

Plus, mental health isn’t a priority compared to people trying to meet their basic needs. I’m having to change many ways I practice just to meet the demands of insurance, families, pharmacy, school, patients, government/benefits..etc. so moving forward, yes I always stick to the standard of care, but I’ll also try to highlight the reality or things off the record, which I’ve been doing for a while but will be more clear about these changes.

Many providers are getting burnt out, leaving the profession, or making mistakes simply by underestimating the demands of care. I created this space to offer free resources and guidance but this is me really rambling about how there are going to eventually be some beautiful changes around here. I’m going to try and make myself more accessible if providers need assistance with medication/care management or support in school/practice. That’s somewhat the ultimate direction that I’m going in once the website becomes more stable. I’ve actually been doing this all along anyway but I  wanted to try to make it a standard service, preferably for free. Anywho, I’ll have new blog posts soon. Stay safe and warm out there!