Anatomy and Physiology Resource Sites

anatomy for nurses

Anatomy and Physiology are major courses with anything related to healthcare. Therefore, you should always use multiple resources in addition to the course materials to help understand the human body. It’s too complicated NOT to! Here are some extra resources to break down tons of information:

A free textbook!

I’ve used this free textbook found online, it’s a short course guide of ~73 pages but it quickly breaks different systems down in a simple way. The audiobook is expensive ($42). Sometimes the school’s textbook can be so overwhelming that it becomes difficult to process the content, so I usually looked online and everywhere for extra supplies. This textbook served its purpose despite being outdated (most information about the human body doesn’t change but be mindful of expired content). The following websites posted offer much help and so much more to make your learning interactive and memorable. Good luck with your studies!

Learning Anatomy & Physiology Online

Animated, Interactive Websites and Web Apps on Anatomy and Physiology

  • GetBodySmart– an online examination of human anatomy and physiology using interactive animations and diagrams.
  • Kenhub– an engaging tool designed to help students learn human anatomy & Histology quickly and easily.

Free Websites by Educators, Schools, Governments, & Nonprofits

  • Anatomy and Physiology Animations 1– a comprehensive set of links to animations by Rose Marie Chute.
  • Anatomy and Physiology Animations 2– another comprehensive set of links to animations by Rose Marie Chute.
  • Anatomy & Physiology Course 1– part of the Open Learning Initiative offered by Carnegie Mellon University.
  • Anatomy & Physiology Course 2– part of the OpenStax College offered by Rice University.
  • Anatomy Tables– descriptions of arteries, veins, fascia, joints, lymphatics, bones, muscles, nerves, and viscera that are organized into tables by the University of Arkansas Medical Sciences.
  • 3-D Brain– 29 interactive structures of the brain that can be rotated in 3-D space. Each structure contains information on associated functions, disorders, brain damage, case studies, and links to contemporary modern research (developed by Cold Springs Harbor Laboratory).
  • Khan Academy– instructional videos on biology, chemistry, healthcare, and medicine.
  • MedlinePlus
    Videos & Cool Tools
    – a collection of interactive tutorials,
    anatomy videos, and surgery videos.
  • PatBowne’s PATHO– interactive tutorials and quizzes for A & P and pathophysiology.
  • of Pennsylvania– medical animation library.
  • Web Anatomy– a great set of quizzes and learning games.
  • Wisc-Online– click on General Education >> A&P 1 & A&P 2. Animated learning objects.

Free Information Offered by Commercial Websites

  • Anatomy Drill and Practice (by Wiley Publishing)– a comprehensive collection of quizzes to test your knowledge of anatomy and physiology. Requires a Flash player plugin for your web browser.
  • Anatomy Arcade-interactive learning games & puzzles.
  • Anatomy Corner– a resource site for teachers and students of Anatomy & Physiology. Each topic includes worksheets, quizzes, notes, and PowerPoint presentations.
  • Biology Corner– a site that is meant to complement a high school-level anatomy class. It contains worksheets, images, study guides, and practice quizzes to support a rich curriculum in anatomy and physiology.
  • BioDigital Human– is a virtual 3D body that brings to life thousands of medically accurate anatomy objects and health conditions in an interactive Web-based platform. Requires Safari, Chrome, or Firefox and a good internet connection.
  • Gray’s Anatomy– Henry Gray’s 1918 illustrations by
  • Human Anatomy (McGraw-Hill)– a comprehensive list of learning exercises and videos to improve your understanding of human anatomy and physiology.
  • Human Body Maps– body maps is an interactive visual search tool that allows users to explore the human body in 3-D.
  • Instant Anatomy– is a free website created by Robert Whitaker, a retired surgeon and current teacher at Cambridge Medical School, UK. Instant Anatomy allows you to learn all about the human anatomy of the body with diagrams, lectures, podcasts, questions, multiple-choice questions, and apps.
  • Zygote Body– 3D, multilayered, interactive human anatomy. Requires Safari, Chrome, or Firefox and a good internet connection.

Popular Human Anatomy Apps and Anatomy and Physiology Apps for Mobile Devices

  • Pocket Anatomy– ‘Pocket Body’, ‘Pocket Brain’, and ‘Pocket Heart’ (for iPad, iPhone).
  • Visible Body– ‘Human Anatomy Atlas’, ‘3D Muscle Premium’, ‘3D Circulatory Premium’, ‘3D Brain & Nervous System Anatomy’, ‘3D Digestive System’, 3D Respiratory Anatomy’, and ‘3D Reproductive & Urinary Anatomy’ (for Desktops, iPad, iPhones, and Android Devices).