Anxiety Resources

Websites and Help for Anxiety Disorders

  • A Better Help: If you are socially shy, here’s an article full of suggestions on how to meet others, including a summary of apps that can help start those new relationships.
  • All Treatment  – information on drug and alcohol treatment centers and has an extensive list of articles on addressing such problems.
  • Anxiety Organization: very comprehensive
  • Anxiety Coach – good advice on several anxiety disorders from a leading expert.
  • Anxiety Disorders Association of America  – the national non-profit organization for consumers, clinicians, and researchers.
  • Anxiety with Different Forms – Guide to the entire range of mental health disorders. Shows that anxiety disorder has many different forms as well as degrees of severity with treatment options.
  • About CBT – provides great information for potential clients about the various forms of cognitive-behavioral therapy and what a client can expect in treatment.
  • After the Crash – involved in a motor vehicle accident? Visit for a free trauma assessment.  Free online treatment is available for those who meet study criteria.
  • Anxiety No More– informational site from an x-sufferer of anxiety.
  • Ask Dr.Jones – Original articles and editorials from a psychiatrist who has an interest in anxiety disorders.
  • Calm Clinic – A website that shows anxiety sufferers where to start treating their anxiety. It covers topics such as treatment, symptoms, causes, methods, specific issues related to anxiety, diet considerations, and many other topics.
  • Dental Elite. Here’s a brief little 1.5-minute video to reassure kids who are heading to the dentist.
  • Dental Fear Central – Self-help for anyone suffering from dental phobia, anxiety, or specific dental fears.  Includes a support forum and dentist recommendations and reviews.
  • Dental Fear Guide –Lots of good information for those afraid of going to the dentist.
  • Dental Phobia – written by dentists who specialize in treating people with dental phobia. An excellent source of information and advice.
  • Diseases from A to Z – health care information plan for family health, women’s health, men’s and child health. Good resource for all diseases and conditions, mental & sexual disorders.
  • Fear of Flying – focuses on coping with flying anxiety and aerophobia.
  • Gift from Within – A non-profit organization that is a resource for PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) survivors and caregivers.
  • Healing Well – a guide to diseases, disorders, and chronic illness.
  • Help Guide – article: “Social Anxiety, Social Anxiety Disorder / Social Phobia: Symptoms, Types, Causes, Treatment, and Support”
  • Help for IBS – education, support, and tangible help for all IBS symptoms, including diarrhea, constipation, pain, and bloating.
  • Hypnotherapy Fears and Phobias – a brief overview of phobias and panic attacks and several methods of treatment.
  • IBS TALES – Read the personal stories of IBS sufferers and share your own experiences.
  • Mindful Recovery– Life-long anxiety reduction is taught in an 8-phase program that integrates Mindfulness Meditation and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.
  • Mindful Resources– USC School of Social Work’s online MSW program provides a Mindfulness for Healthy Living Toolkit containing a list of mindfulness tips, tricks, and meditations that can support mental health recovery and act as an early intervention tool.
  • My Anxiety Companion– Developed by women who suffer from an anxiety disorder who wants to impart her opinions, book reviews, and other self-help and consumer guidance for others with anxiety.
  • Obsessive Panic – A personal case study of one person’s recovery from obsessive panic.
  • OCD Chicago – a comprehensive site designed to educate consumers about OCD.  Special sections for Individuals, Parents, Friends & Family, College Students, School Personnel, Clergy or Media.
  • OCD Education Station – “OCD Education Station” is a unique resource designed to educate school personnel on how to identify and assist students who may have symptoms of OCD. Also a great tool for parents working with school personnel on managing their child’s OCD.
  • OCD Hotline – OCD Hotline of NY/NJ offers visitors the chance to submit their confidential questions and get a FREE reply within 24 hours, with no obligation.
  • Ocean Recovery Center – “Here’s a useful guide explaining the link between addiction and anxiety”
  • Panic with Scuba Diving – Information on panic and PTSD in scuba divers.
  • Panic Cure – inspiration and guidance for those healing from panic disorder and agoraphobia.
  • Panic LA – offers definitions of terms regarding anxiety disorders and treatment options. Also find out about their book, Living with Panic Disorder.
  • Paruresis  – a non-profit organization for anyone suffering from shy bladder.  I am on their advisory board.
  • Recorvery INC – a nonprofit mental health self-help organization that offers weekly group meetings for people suffering from various emotional and mental conditions.
  • Silent Child – information on selective mutism plus support group contacts, message board, and a kids’ area.
  • Shake Your Shyness – dedicated to helping people overcome shyness through education.
  • Shy Passions – a free online community site for shy and socially anxious singles.
  • Sober Recovery – alcohol, drug abuse, and recovery issues in general
  • Speak Eeeze – overcome stage fright with gradual exposure in manageable steps. The Public Speaking & Social Anxiety Clinic of New York
  • Stress Center – offers a newsletter, online chats, and other resources.