
tarasoff law

Cases of Tarasoff

About The Tarasoff Law The following article provides some insight into utilizing the Tarasoff (duty to warn) law. Long story short, it’s not easy! Almost everything dealing with legal matters can be tedious in psych. However, the article does offer some solid advice, safety considerations, and ways to improve clinical practice while dealing with extreme […]

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Psychiatric Side Effects from Antibiotics

Psychiatric Effects of Various Antibiotics Central nervous system effects of clarithromycin, beta-lactams, and fluoroquinolones occur because of their GABA-A antagonist action. Agents that have dose-dependent activity include Linezolid, which can exhibit CNS activity via its monoamine oxide (MAO) inhibitor activity; metronidazole, which causes neuropsychiatric effects with cumulative or supratherapeutic levels; and tetracyclines, which are more […]

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The Most Influential Psychiatric Drugs of All Time

5 Medications that Forever Changed the Landscape of Psychiatry The following drugs—although some no longer commonly used—changed the field in dramatic ways, opening up psychiatry to the treatment of disorders once considered untreatable. Their discoveries rank among the greatest achievements in the history of medicine. 1. Lithium Carbonate Lithium salts have been used to alleviate […]

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