Tips for Precepting

Dear Psych Providers, Have a Vetting Process! Someone recently asked me to precept and I swiftly declined. I’m already pushed to the maxed. Hence, I use this website to help people and ramble. To give a more honest reason, when the person contacted me, my first impression was just irritation. Clearly, these psych programs need […]

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My Practice

It’s important to truly evaluate the risks, demands, expectations etc. before starting a practice and I wanted to go over how I manage some of the hurdles. This list is from the pros/cons of the Private Practice section: Financial Risks: High startup and operational costs, including rent, equipment, and liability insurance.  You can’t really prepare […]

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Another Year of Making It

2023-2022 PMHNP Tips and Lessons  Another post about what’s been going on for the past year. It’s been a roller coaster, but still going strong. I also feel more relaxed than ever! I started my career right before the pandemic, hitting the ground running from never really heard of anything mentioning a pandemic, never addressed […]

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Greetings, some time ago I spoke about doing therapy and by coincidence, it occurred shortly afterward. We have therapists but there was such a need that I volunteered to start it… and shortly regretted it, but now I’m okay. Not because I didn’t want to do it, but I guess I underestimated the need. Even […]

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