There is a commonly held belief that eating disorders are a lifestyle choice. However, eating disorders are actually serious and often fatal illnesses that can cause severe psychological and metabolic disturbances. It’s greater than a lifestyle. Obsessions with food, body weight, and shape may also signal concern about food consumption so it’s not immediately diagnosed or simply ignored. Here are some s/s of common eating disorders including anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge-eating disorder:
Signs and Symptoms
Anorexia Nervosa: People with anorexia nervosa may see themselves as overweight, even when they are dangerously underweight. People with anorexia nervosa typically weigh themselves repeatedly, severely restrict the amount of food they eat and eat very small quantities of only certain foods. Anorexia nervosa has the highest mortality rate of any mental disorder. While many young women and men with this disorder die from complications associated with starvation, others die of suicide. In women, suicide is much more common in those with anorexia than with most other mental disorders. Symptoms include:
- Extremely restricted eating
- Extreme thinness (emaciation)
- A relentless pursuit of thinness and unwillingness to maintain a normal or healthy weight
- Intense fear of gaining weight
- Distorted body image, a self-esteem that is heavily influenced by perceptions of body weight and shape, or a denial of the seriousness of low body weight
Other symptoms may develop over time, including:
- Thinning of the bones (osteopenia or osteoporosis)
- Mild anemia and muscle wasting and weakness
- Brittle hair and nails
- Dry and yellowish skin
- Growth of fine hair all over the body (lanugo)
- Severe constipation
- Low blood pressure, slowed breathing, and pulse
- Damage to the structure and function of the heart
- Brain damage
- Multiorgan failure
- Drop-in internal body temperature, causing a person to feel cold all the time
- Lethargy, sluggishness, or feeling tired all the time
- Infertility
Bulimia Nervosa: People with bulimia nervosa have recurrent and frequent episodes of eating unusually large amounts of food and feeling a lack of control over these episodes. This binge-eating is followed by behavior that compensates for the overeating such as forced vomiting, excessive use of laxatives or diuretics, fasting, excessive exercise, or a combination of these behaviors. Unlike anorexia nervosa, people with bulimia nervosa usually maintain what is considered a healthy or relatively normal weight. Symptoms include:
- Chronically inflamed and sore throat
- Swollen salivary glands in the neck and jaw area
- Worn tooth enamel and increasingly sensitive and decaying teeth as a result of exposure to stomach acid
- Acid reflux disorder and other gastrointestinal problems
- Intestinal distress and irritation from laxative abuse
- Severe dehydration from purging of fluids
- Electrolyte imbalance (too low or too high levels of sodium, calcium, potassium, and other minerals) can lead to stroke or heart attack
Binge-Eating Disorder: People with binge-eating disorder lose control over his or her eating. Unlike bulimia nervosa, periods of binge-eating are not followed by purging, excessive exercise, or fasting. As a result, people with binge-eating disorders often are overweight or obese. Binge-eating disorder is the most common eating disorder in the U.S. Symptoms include:
- Eating unusually large amounts of food in a specific amount of time
- Eating even when you’re full or not hungry
- Eating fast during binge episodes
- Eating until you’re uncomfortably full
- Eating alone or in secret to avoid embarrassment
- Feeling distressed, ashamed, or guilty about your eating
- Frequently dieting, possibly without weight loss
Risk Factors
Eating disorders frequently appear during the teen years or young adulthood but may also develop during childhood or later in life. These disorders affect both genders, although rates among women are higher than among men. Like women who have eating disorders, men also have a distorted sense of body image. For example, men may have muscle dysmorphia, a type of disorder marked by an extreme concern with becoming more muscular.
Researchers are finding that eating disorders are caused by a complex interaction of genetic, biological, behavioral, psychological, and social factors. Researchers are using the latest technology and science to better understand eating disorders.
One approach involves the study of human genes. Eating disorders run in families. Researchers are working to identify DNA variations that are linked to the increased risk of developing eating disorders.
Brain imaging studies are also providing a better understanding of eating disorders. For example, researchers have found differences in patterns of brain activity in women with eating disorders in comparison with healthy women. This kind of research can help guide the development of new means of diagnosis and treatment of eating disorders.
USA Organizations
- AED – Academy for Eating Disorders: is an international transdisciplinary professional organization that promotes excellence in research, treatment, and prevention of eating disorders. The AED provides education, training, and a forum for collaboration and professional dialogue.
- ANAD – National Assoc of Anorexia Nervosa & Related Disorders: The National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders, Inc. is a non-profit corporation that seeks to alleviate the problems of eating disorders, especially anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa.
- EDC – Eating Disorders Coalition: Their mission is to advance the federal recognition of eating disorders as a public health priority.
- IAEDP – International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals: is well recognized for its excellence in providing first-quality education and high-level training standards to an international multidisciplinary group of various healthcare treatment providers and helping professionals, who treat the full spectrum of eating disorder problems.
- MEDA – Multi-Service Eating Disorder Association: is dedicated to the prevention and treatment of eating disorders and disordered eating. MEDA serves as a support network and resource for clients, loved ones, clinicians, educators, and the general public.
- N.A.M.E.D. – The National Association for Males with Eating Disorders: is to provide support to males with eating disorders, educate the public on the issue, and be a resource of information on the subject.
- NEDA – National Eating Disorder Association: is the largest not-for-profit organization in the United States working to prevent eating disorders and provide treatment referrals to those suffering from anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating disorder and those concerned with body image and weight issues.
- NIS – NORMAL In Schools: is a national nonprofit arts-and-education organization that educates about the devastating impact of eating disorders, the therapeutic impact of the arts, and related issues such as body image, self-esteem, and family communication.
- Alliance for Eating Disorder Awareness: is a source of community outreach, education, awareness, and prevention of various eating disorders to reduce the rate and severity of eating disorders among people of all ages.
- Beyond Hunger: is dedicated to helping individuals overcome the obsession with food and weight and find a natural, loving, and peaceful relationship with their food, weight, and selves.
Organizations in Local Areas
- EDN – Eating Disorder Network of Maryland: can provide education, treatment providers who specialize in working with this population, or community events… MARYLAND
- Eating Disorder Foundation of Orange County: educates the community with the latest, accurate information on eating disorders and eradicates these disorders by providing early intervention for our children. Orange County, CALIFORNIA
International Organizations
- ASED – The Austrian Society on Eating Disorders: is dedicated to expanding public understanding of eating disorders triggered by a social thinness-obsession and prejudices against the certain body- or weight forms. AUSTRIA
- BACP – British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy: is a membership organization and a registered charity that sets standards for therapeutic practice and provides information for therapists, clients of therapy, and the general public. ENGLAND and WALES
- EDV – The Eating Disorders Victoria: is the primary source of support, information, community education, and advocacy for people with eating disorders. Providing information, support, and referral services for people affected by eating disorders. AUSTRALIA
- NEDIC – The National Eating Disorder Information Centre: provides information and resources on eating disorders and food and weight preoccupation. One of our main goals is to inform the public about eating disorders and related issues. CANADA
- NETZWERK ESSSTÖRUNGEN: Their work ranges from public relations for the purpose of raising awareness of eating disorders and perception of the counseling and motivational work for patients and their families through prevention and health problems. AUSTRIA
More Resources
- Active Minds – is the only organization working to utilize the student voice to change the conversation about mental health on college campuses.
- – online program and support for bulimia.
- – Information and resources on Eating Disorders.
- Eating Disorder Jobs – is dedicated to careers in the eating disorders field, and their goal is to inspire the future leaders of our field.
- Eating Disorder Referral and Information Center – provides information and treatment resources for all forms of eating disorders.
- If Not Dieting – A website created to provide help and support in achieving a healthy and comfortable weight without being deprived of food or losing quality of life.
- Mindful Practices – Donald Altman’s many books, workshops, and therapy integrate ancient wisdom and tools with 21st-century brain science.
- Psych Central – is the Internet’s largest and oldest independent mental health and psychology network.
- – their mission is to empower health professionals to confidently and competently treat eating disorders.