Here are some time-management tips that help me throughout school and beyond:
- Primarily stick to revising your lecture notes.
Flash cards are time-consumingYour goal is not only to memorize but mainly understand the concepts, which will help you in the long run or your boards. How to revise your powerpoints? - Go to your teachers. They will stir you in the right direction, so you don’t kill time going in the WRONG direction. Communicating with your professors also help with networking. How to approach your professor?
- Practice questions. I heart Quizlet efforts, it’s helpful for reviewing content before exams and it’s FREE. Also, consider apps that will help you practice BOARD questions, they are more organized, detailed, and reliable.
- Record your lectures. Recordings help you multitask, so you can be more productive and it’s a sure way to make sure you get all the information that you weren’t able to write down or hear.
- Get Pinterest:

When you are out and about, having content available and mobile is very important. Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter are too distracting. Use Pinterest to work on retaining concepts and as a quick reference. Oh, and to find cheesy tips:
- Do not cook breakfast/lunch/dinner. The time it takes to find the ingredients, deal with traffic, cook, and clean up the mess, you’ve lost HOURS.
The microwave and fast-food are your true friends, it’s always available. - Make school a priority. keep yourself organized and consistent with daily and weekly schedules. This is where I love sticky notes all over my wall! Say NO to people or redirect them and turn your phone off at certain times (i.e. sleeping and studying).
- Use your school breaks to catch up on other priorities/leisure activities. but don’t fall completely off the bandwagon, continue reviewing notes, content, or anything that needs improvement.
- If you must shop or exercise, try to go on the weekends or at night/before the sunrise to avoid traffic and losing time. Always consider online shopping, bill payments, and deals.
- Always practice stress and time-management. wake up 1-2 hours earlier or try to plan your day in advance so you’ll have MORE time to be productive
or watch more Netflix.DO not drink alcohol or anything that will cause a lack of sleep or make you feel sluggish.
Thanks for Reading 🙂