Sigmund Freud Psychoanalytic Theory

Sigmund Freud Id, Ego, Superego

Psychoanalytic (Psychodynamic) Overview

Sigmund Freud (1856-1839) believed ALL behaviors have a meaning or purpose and mental activity that’s motivated by the unconscious (Principle of Psychic Determinism), in other words, a childhood shapes the adult personality. Be mindful that many times Freud’s theories were inaccurate, had no scientific basis, or just simply wrong. Nevertheless, Freud has been influential and the foundation of many theories. This is a basic overview of Freud’s theories based on ANCC and its considerations:

Freud’s Psychosocial Stage of Development

Stage 1: Oral 

  • Age Range: 0–18 mths  
  • Primary Discharges of Sexual Energy/Gratification: Mouth; sucking, chewing, feeding, crying.
  • PSYCH Disorder r/t Stage Failure: schizophrenia, substance abuse, & paranoia.

Stage 2: Anal

  • Age Range: 18 mths –3y
  • Primary Discharges of Sexual Energy/Gratification: bowel/bladder elimination: sphincter ctrl, removing/retaining waste.
  • PSYCH Disorder r/t Stage Failure: depressive disorders

Stage 3: Phallic     

  • Age Range: 3–6y
  • Primary Discharges of Sexual Energy/Gratification: Genitalia: exhibition, masturbation w focus of Oedipus complex, a desire for the parent in both males and females (boys and girls experience the complex differently: boys in a form of castration anxiety, girls in a form of penis envy).
  • PSYCH Disorder r/t Stage Failure:  sexual identity disorders

Stage 4: Latency          

  • Age Range: 6y–puberty
  • Primary Discharges of Sexual Energy/Gratification: Dormant feelings: the focus is on learning, socialization, and using motor skills.
  • PSYCH Disorder r/t Stage Failure: reduced ability to form relationships.

Stage 5: Genital

  • Age Range: Puberty–death        
  • Primary Discharges of Sexual Energy/Gratification Outside the family: Integration of early stages, primary sexuality develops
  • PSYCH Disorder r/t Stage Failure: sexual perversion disorders, impotence

Erik Erikson, a student of Freud studies, suggested that behavior occurs throughout life. Read more about Erikson’s 8 stages of personality development.

Psychiatric Disorder
Age of Onset, Per DSM-5
Intellectual Disability
Infancy (usually evident at birth)
Early Childhood (by age of 12)
18-25y for Men & 25-35y for Women
Major Depression
Late Adolescence-Young Adulthood
DementiaMost Common >85y

3 Primary Psych Structures

Sigmund Freud Id, Ego, Superego

…that make up the mind and personality

PrinciplesPurpose Statements
ID “pleasure principle”Drives instinct/urges/fantasies that are primarily sexual/aggressive, present @infancy to seek immediate satisfaction.Says “I WANT”
EGO “reality principle”The rational/abstract mind, and logical. The ego uses defense mechanisms and adaptation to resolve internal conflicts.Says “I Think/Evaluate”
SUPEREGO “moral principle” Regulated by guilty conscious and morals. Aims for perfection or compromise. Says “I Should/Ought”

The nature of the conflict is unconscious but can result in experiencing anxiety, which is to alert the conscious mind of a problem. Conflicts are primarily resolved with the use of defense mechanisms:

Sigmund Freud Defense Mechanisms