Theories in Psychiatric Nursing & Conceptual Models

theories of nursing mental health psychiatric

Mental Health/Psychiatric Theories for Nurses

The following theories are related to psych nursing or mental health:

Nurse Theory, Mental Health Nursing
Beautiful Words!

About Conceptual Models

Conceptual model/framework/paradigms are a set of abstract, general concepts that address the phenomena of central interest to discipline; the propositions that broadly describe those concepts, and the propositions that state abstract are general relations between two or more of the concepts. CM’s identifies:

  1. The purposes of practice (CM should be able to guide all aspects of clinical practice, all steps of the nursing process)
  2. General nature of clinical problems to be considered & settings of practice
  3. Characteristics of participants in nursing practice
  4. Nursing process and the technologies to be used, including parameters of assessment, labels (dx) of problems, typologies of interventions, criteria for evaluating outcomes
  5. Nature of contributions of nursing practice to the well-being of nursing participants

Major Conceptual Models

Functions of a Theory

  • To narrow and elaborate on phenomena in a conceptual model
  • Provide more structure for the interpretation of behaviors and events
  • To guide a framework for practice
  • Theories may also be called atomistic, macro, and micro theories

Check out An Introduction to Nursing Theory

Levels of Abstraction

  • Conceptual -e.g. Health promotion
  • Theoretical -e.g. Safe sex
  • Empirical (operational)-e.g. Reports condom use with every sexual encounter
  • Modifiable/Nonmodifiable

Grand Theory: broad in scope consisting of concepts and propositions that are less abstract but not as specific as middle range theories i.e. consciousness. Grand theories are derived directly from a conceptual model and can also serve as starting points of Middle Range Theories. Example: Martha Roger’s Science of Unitary Human Beings derived 3 grand theories from her CM; the Science of Unitary Human Beings, Theory of Accelerating Evolution, & Theory of Paranormal Phenomena Middle Range Theories: can also be directly derived from a conceptual model. 3 forms:

  • Descriptive: are the most basic mid-range theory i.e. what is pain. A classification of a phenomenon and is generated/tested by means of descriptive research.
  • Explanatory: includes at least 2 concepts, the proposition of explaining why and its relation to another concept i.e. why do injuries occur with a restraint protocol. Middle-range theories are tested by means of correlational research.
  • Predictive: includes at least 2 concepts, one is usually an intervention and the other concept is about the outcome i.e. how does monitoring activity levels, decrease infection rates in the hospital. Middle-range explanatory research is tested via experimental research.