No Call Back?
Greetings, I was debating to make this information public because once you pass…YOU’VE PASSED and everything should be great!! Well, that reality/assumption was wrong and with the current events, I felt bamboozled. Granted healthcare is constantly changing but I was hoping for something that was familiar, comforting, and reassuring but overall was rejected. I’ve lost major job opportunities, employers ghosted, places had a hiring freeze, wages bottoming out/nonnegotiable and nobody had answers or blamed everything on COVID.
Thank God I’m okay now but basically, I was embarrassed, hence I didn’t want to post this information but then I thought how others may also be struggling in the job market so I wanted to send some positive vibes. Therefore, while you’re networking, applying for jobs, and patiently waiting, here are some quick tips that helped me deal with the time:
Check Your Own Stability
Before you can help others, make sure you and your loved ones are doing well. Obtain/Maintain your emergency supplies. Here’s a nice checklist of essentials by Also, make sure you and your family know what to do in case of an emergency with contact information and important personal paperwork.
Continue to make honest, realistic plans because this is not the time to turn into a UNICORN. Only make drastic changes for emergencies and try to focus on future plans. For example, if you want to start your own business or a substance abuse clinic this is the perfect time to start fine-tuning your vision and do the research.
Keep Your Profession Intact: I’ve listed a ton of resources and did many online seminars to help pass the time. Overall learn a specialty or improve your skills, whatever you feel will make you more marketable and knowledgeable because there are many excellent options:
- Obtain your MAT’s Waiver
- Start a completely separate business or website
- Online psychopharmacology seminars and case studies. Watch YouTube videos.
- Improve Behavioral Therapies: CBT, MI, SBIRT, TRAUMA INFORMED CARE
- Focus on a Specialty: Children & Adolescent Care or Women’s Health
Improve your wellbeing: take a break from everything: read a novel, go for a long walk, or simply pamper yourself. Sometimes you need to enjoy your free time away from the serious work stuff. So make your personal free time a serious priority.
Learn to manage money: one of the reasons I’ve never worried about money is because I’ve been managing my money for many years. I was going to do a whole post about the politics of money but I can keep it simple. Basically, manage your money as often as possible, and the sooner you learn how the better off you’ll be long-term. For example, I manage my daily expenses and emergencies with a credit card for the reward points and pay everything else with debit such as the mortgage. So either way, I receive benefits -I have more cash on hand and earn reward points at the same time. I have no major debt and can pay all my bills with one check even though I’m not getting full hours. However, your situation may be different…but knowing how to make the most of your money will help during difficult times.
Stay Positive: If everything is too overwhelming, then it’s also okay to simply do nothing. It’s not a crime and probably long overdue! trust me, opportunities are going to come since the next pandemic will be a mental breakdown! I simply thought to myself since people got all these extra issues, I need to be EXTRA prepared. It paid off and now offers are coming in nonstop. I’ve decided to specialize with kids but still see adults while doing telepsych and I’m beyond excited! Not to mention me doing this website alone… so I truly have nothing to complain about. Don’t worry about stuff out of your control, and eventually, things will become more manageable.