Additional Resources (Submit a Site)

Thank you for contributing!

I’m always looking for additional, preferably free/affordable resources but I know I can’t get through billions of websites so thanks for the links! Information about submitting a website is at the bottom and resources will be organized in this area:

Career & Jobs 

  • CX Billing: a private medical billing company that offers highly personalized services to tailor to each of our client’s needs.
  • providing up-to-date listings of Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner jobs throughout the US.
  • Marketing consultant group for mental health professionals –Mind Wellness Marketing 

Mental/Psych Services 

Education & Support 

Rehab & Substances 

Offering Other Services & Guidance 

Additional Products


About Submitting a Website 

Unfortunately, it’s a lot of scammers out there so I have to do a formal way to submit or suggest a website (NO guest posts🛑).  Contact or email ([email protected]) using the following format below to submit your site. NOTE; the website has to be related to mental health, disability, medical, NPs, medical/health/nursing education, or advanced providers and the sorts… (Read the about page) Providers/students will have priority and can submit whatever but other references may take a while for a response. I’ll review the submitted information and decide if and when it’ll be added:

Please have the following information in the email

  • Your Name & Email: only one email/name from the website, not multiple different emails from one company
  • Site Title & URL: only ONE URL from the website
  • Website Description: a quick description of the website or how you believe it’ll be helpful for providers, students, or clients.

🛑What’s Not Allowed🛑any inappropriate or illegal content is not tolerated. If you are advertising for services it has to be medical, educational, or nursing-related to mental health. Make sure it’s a functional, straightforward website -not one that needs a login/password, spammy, or a different language. Psych providers will be listed here and on the telehealth page…Thank you!